The Ragnar Sellberg Foundation

The Ragnar Sellberg Foundation was established in 1991, and our goal is to promote research, development, and the dissemination of knowledge in waste management through financial contributions.

Our challenge is to find, combine, and apply the knowledge needed to improve people's living conditions without undermining the conditions of life on Earth. We contribute to the Foundation's goals in various ways, including financing activities within the foundation's scope.

About the Ragnar Sellberg Foundation

The visionary humanist and entrepreneur, Ragnar Sellberg (1902-1995), recognised early on the importance of connecting research and academia with the recycling and waste management industry to find paths to a sustainable society. In 1991, he founded the Ragnar Sellberg Foundation to bridge the gap between science and practice in an industry facing significant new challenges.

The foundation was established by Ragnar Sellberg, Ragn-Sells, the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and the Upplands-Bro and Håbo municipalities. Research is conducted in collaboration with KTH, SLU, and the IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, along with several universities, institutes, other companies, and interest organisations as stakeholders.

The Ragnar Sellberg Foundation is governed by a board consisting of six individuals with connections to both the academic world and the industry.

The Board

Erik Sellberg, Ragn-Sells 
Örjan Berglund, SLU
Fredrik Kjos, Upplands-Bro kommun
Bengt Sandell, Ragn-Sells
Maria Malmström, KTH

Future Day 2023

From waste minimisation to a resource-focused construction sector, see the broadcast from Framtidsdagen (Future Day) 2023 here.