Looking ahead, one of the major sustainability challenges facing Ragn-Sells and society at large is PFAS, a group of highly persistent and toxic chemical compounds. Although PFAS are known to be hazardous for humans and the environment, they are widely used in everything from cleaning and care products to cookware.
"Today, PFAS are everywhere in society and constitute a huge environmental debt. We are constantly looking for better ways to remove them, but we are in the wrong part of the value chain. To address the problem, we need to stop the inflow by banning all nonessential uses of PFAS", says Mikael.
The Treatment & Detox team is working to drive the necessary political change at the highest level. In 2023, Mikael represented Ragn-Sells at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in New York, sharing the group’s knowledge on circular solutions.
"The EU reporting directive will hopefully contribute to increased transparency and comparability, but to really tackle the problem of waste crime, we need stronger and more competent supervision from the authorities", says Mikael.