
Here you can find out more about the materials that Ragn-Sells Recyclables buy and sell.


We buy and sell wood and wood chips for further sorting and processing before selling it to downstream customers such as ...


We sell plastics to recyclers in Europe and Asia. The plastics are sold and transported from the whole Ragn-Sells Group.

Waste fuel

Recyclables processes and sells sorted waste and refined waste fuel for our customers’ installations according to ...

Iron, metal and WEEE

We handle approximately 150,000 tonnes materials in the area of Iron, Metals, and WEEE.

Hazardous waste

Ragn-Sells has a very long experience in the field, where in addition to proprietary processing techniques have ...


We sell our paper for recycling to paper mills in Europe and Asia. In Europe the export focus is on the german market.


Ragn-Sells collects and recycles all tyres in Norway on behalf of Norsk Dekkretur.